What do women dream about? Top 10 fantasies
JUNE 05 2025
According to Ipsos research, analyzed by Sylvain Mimoun, a sexologist, 96% of women admits that they have fantasies and 80% of respondents say they are ready to fulfill these fantasies. What do we dream most often? Sex with a star. George Clooney and Ryan Gosling...
Regardless of the idol, the most important thing is our orgasm. The star is rich and takes you to wonderful places. Sex with a stranger on the street, sex on the beach, a threesome with two other guys, being dominated, dominating, sex in the castle, sex with a young and handsome windsurfing/tennis/skiing instructor or peeking other people having sex. Well, it would be quite a lot for one relationship. Porn for women, including threesome porn, probably make these fantasies even stronger. Anyway, good luck there!